Jacob Haller |
Music | Podcasts | Knitting |
![]() Art by Shaenon K. Garrity |
I've been working on podcasts since 2013. In 2023, I was co-nominated for Best Editing at New Jersey WebFest for my work on the How It Ends podcast, which itself won the Outstanding Mystery award. In addition to my work on How it Ends, I have also worked on the Betwixt & Between, Keeping Track, Primary Tourist, and ecoTalk podcasts. If you have a podcast (or want to start one), and would like to hire me to edit or do other technical work on it, then let me know! You can find more information, including my rates, here. |
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jwgh tv: In 2020, I did a short series of video interviews with independent podcasters, talking about how they got into podcasting, what equipment and software they use, and what they've learned along the way that might be useful to people thinking about starting their own podcasts. I hope you find them interesting and useful!
Lindsay Walks: When I learned in 2016 that my stepsister Lindsay was planning to walk across the United States, I proposed and developed a podcast in which she would call me every week, and I would record and edit the calls and release them online. After she returned back home, we recorded a Q&A with a live audience.
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Love YA Like Crazy ran from 2015 through 2022 and is currently on hiatus. In each episode, my friend Carrie and I ranted about a work of young adult fiction. We covered a variety of genres of YA, and books published anywhere from 1908 to today.
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Tell Me About Your Song ran from 2013 to 2018. In each episode, I interviewed a different songwriter about a song they wrote. Past guests have included Erin McKeown, Christine Lavin, Alec K. Redfearn, Libby Koch, Adam Levy, Allysen Callery, Rudy Cheeks (of the Young Adults and other bands), Pavel Rivera of the electronica group Twintapes, jazz vocalist and author Suzanne Cloud, the band ilyAIMY, and New York Blues Hall of Fame inductee Beki Brindle.
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I've been a guest on the following podcasts (and would love to be a guest on more!)
25 Oct 2024: Sophomore Lit #165: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy John McCoy and I talked about Douglas Adams's original bestseller. |
1 Mar 2023: Ticklish Business #153: 'Wuthering Heights (1939) with Kristen Lopez' Samantha Ellis and I talked to Kristen Lopez about book and movie versions of Wuthering Heights. |
3 Nov 2021: Ticklish Business #122: 'Shock Corridor' and Samuel Fuller I spoke to Samantha Ellis and Kimberly Pierce about Samual Fuller's 1963 film Shock Corridor. |
12 Sep 2020: Not Another Bad Movie Podcast: Abducted Megan Tripp had me on to discuss the 2007 movie 'Abducted', a low budget romance/thriller that I thought was pretty fun! |
16 Nov 2019: Sophomore Lit #94: The Bear John McCoy had me on his podcast to talk about William Faulkner's 'The Bear'. |
7 Nov 2019: Unaired Episode 6: The Tick 2001 The host, Ed, had me on to talk about the 2001 live action Fox show 'The Tick'. The question: "Why in the world isn't Wallace Shawn on this show?" is addressed. |
30 Jul 2019: Betwixt and Between Love YA Like Crazy The hosts, Betwixt & Between, invited me on to talk about portrayals of witchcraft in young adult fiction. |
27 Jun 2019: Let's Chat! with Chris Revill Chris and I happened to be at the AS220 Industries Media Lab at the same time in a room filled with recording equipment, so we decided to do a little impromptu recording. |
15 Sep 2018: Beckett To The Future Episode 56: S1E6 - Double Identity Beckett To The Future is a podcast about the TV show 'Quantum Leap', and goes through the episodes chronologically based on the year that Sam leaps to. I was on to talk about a goofy mobster episode, season one's 'Double Identity'. |
24 Apr 2018: Please Don't Send Me into Outer Space 129: Soylent Green PDSMiOS is a podcast devoted to science fiction and fantasy movies, and they had me on to talk about the 1973 Charlton Heston classic with the twist ending: 'Soylent Green'. |
7 Jan 2018: The Grand Gesture Ep. 19: The Last Five Years The Grand Gesture is a podcast about movies and their relevance to real-life relationships. In this one, the hosts, Mike and Dave, had me on to talk about 2014's 'The Last Five Years' starring Anna Kendrick. |
3 Dec 2017: Dice to Meet You One-Shot 03: Biloxi I had the opportunity to run a short (single episode) Dungeons & Dragons campaign on the Dice to Meet You podcast. The players were Keith McBlane, who played Artaln’ya, the wood elf ranger; Troy Carvale, who played Kyoya, the dragonborn warlock; and Craig Risinger, who played Silas, the human fighter. |
24 Jul 2017: Joy Sandwich Episode 82: Songwriting with Jacob Haller Joy Sandwich is a podcast about things that bring people joy, and I went on it to talk about the pleasures of songwriting -- plus some other miscellaneous joys, like watching humming birds be jerks. |
6 Jul 2017: Death Prattle Episode 49: Mourning in Pop Culture with the hosts of Love YA Like Crazy My friend Carrie and I (of Love YA Like Crazy) were invited onto Death Prattle to talk about the young adult book 'The Boy in the Black Suit' by Jason Reynolds. |
30 Jun 2017: Lifemark Episode 50: The Shunning My friend Carrie and I (of Love YA Like Crazy) guest-hosted the Lifemark podcast, where we talked about the Hallmark movie 'Beverly Lewis's "The Shunning"'. |
11 Apr 2017: Betwixt and Between Episode 21: Faith and Doubt The hosts, Betwixt & Between, invited me on to talk about spiritual worldviews and the role of doubt in our belief systems. |
27 Mar 2017: The Bloke Busters Podcast: Film Spotlight With... Jacob Haller I talked about The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (a movie that grows on me every time I see it, and which I tried to sell the hosts on seeing); and Highlander 2: The Quickening (a movie I really don't like). |
1 Dec 2016: Composer Quest Tour 4 While Composer Quest host Charlie McCarron was on tour to record the final season of his podcast, we met up at the Tunbridge State Fair in Vermont, talked about songwriting, and wrote and recorded a very silly song together. This episode features audio from all of that, plus other people Charlie visited in New England. |
21 Sep 2016: Ticklish Business I discussed the early Stanley Kubrick movie, The Killing, with host Kristen Lopez. |
11 Jul 2016: Let's Chat! with Revill and Friends Chris asked me to co-host this episode, in which we talked to professional podcaster and middlest brother Travis McElroy. |
8 Jul 2016: Repeat All episode 54 I discussed the album 'Talking Heads: 77' with the host, Robin Foss. |
15 Apr 2016: War Machine vs. War Horse episode 234 Host Michael Denniston and I discussed the Johnny Cash biopic 'Walk the Line' and the Dixie Chicks documentary 'Shut Up & Sing'. |
11 Jan 2016: Let's Chat! with Revill and Friends Chris Revill and I had a freewheeling conversation about all manner of things. |
15 October 2014: Seven Second Delay with Ken and Andy I played a song as part of a sort of variety show. Follow the link to see me (and a bunch of other people) liveblogging the broadcast. |
21 Jun 2014: Tell Me About Your Song episode 26 I appeared on my own podcast (guest-hosted by Tracie Potochnik) to talk about my song 'Was The Moon Too Full?' |
18 May 2014: The Flopcast Episode 106 I appeared on the Flopcast to promote 'Time To Break Up The Band'. |
13 May 2014: That's Not Incredible! episode 1 Promoting 'Time To Break Up The Band', plus I played a couple of songs and read some items from the Warren Times Police Report. |
5 May 2014: Sully's Cafe at the Green Room episode 150 I played a few songs and talked about some of my favorite local musicians. |
22 Apr 2014: The Blues Record episode 42 I appeared on the Blues Record to promote my album 'Time To Break Up The Band'. |
27 June 2011: The Talk Pit episode 5 I was interviewed about my music and played a song. |
23 May 2011: Sully's Cafe at the Green Room episode 51 I was interviewed and played a few songs. |
August 2010: Freewheelin' with Paul Edward Gabriel Rhode Island musician Paul Edward Gabriel had me on his podcast to talk about music. Unfortunately, I can no longer find a working link for this episode. |